Monday, August 29, 2005

Marketing to children.

I usually don't include anything on this blog that's especially personal but I've decided to make an exception here.

Two quick things about me — I have a two-year-old daughter and a fairly unhealthy obsession with golf. Along with all the usual parenting stuff that I do — the reading, the encouraging, the diapering — I have spent just the tiniest amount of time marketing the game of golf to my daughter. Don't be alarmed. I have been very subtle. Nothing I have done would raise the eyebrows of any members of the FCC.

Apparently, however, my work has been quite effective. One morning this week, my daughter was awake earlier than usual. While I struggled to brew coffee, I put on Sesame Street.

Now, the odd thing about my daughter is that she has very little interest in television. Considering the current state of television and the fact that she can't really be expected to stay up until 11 PM for The Daily Show, her lack of curiosity in this area thrills me. But, on this particular morning, I needed to buy myself five minutes — enough time to spike my body with a healthy jolt of caffeine.

After about two minutes of Sesame Street, however, my daughter had lost interest. Suddenly, she turned to me and blurted, "Want to watch golf!"

Who am I to deprive my child? Filled with quiet pride, I switched to Channel 39.

Golf Channel: 1. Elmo: 0.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have won a battle, but not yet the war. When you can get your wife to utter these same words, I will be impressed.

In the meantime, my fingers are crossed. Good luck my golfing brother! See you on the links?

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop by and have a look at eos vw

12:45 PM  

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